HSE Mission Statement
While we strive to promote and maintain the highest level of quality service delivery, safety remains our utmost goal. We recognize the importance of planning health and safety into the project at the earliest possible stage of every project we participate in. Petrok will actively seek the support of all operatives engaged in the project to look after the health and safety of self and colleagues by working within the spirit of this policy.
- Integrating QHSE in how we do business and demonstrating the QHSE importance through hands-on leadership and behavior.
- Have an on-going focus on improving QHSE performance.
- Ensuring safe operations that protect people, the environment, communities and assets.
- Compliance with regulations both local and international standards.
- Working systematically to understand and manage risk and undertake improvement processes based on surveys and risk assessments.
- Identified hazards and related risks will be reduced to as low as reasonably practicable.
- Operating facilities in a way that minimizes energy consumption, emissions to air, discharge of liquid effluents and waste generation. The principle of Best Available Technique shall apply
- Safety in all contexts, this gives birth to the term 'SAFETY FIRST AND NOTHING LESS'.” Our performance is routinely checked and reviewed and the findings are presented for all so we can maintain accountability and transparency so as to promote Continuous QHSE improvement.